In our Immigration Law Department, we offer specialized services of immigration consultancy and management in accordance with the specific activities of our clients.
México is a country of origin, transit, destination and return of international migrants. Our attorneys provide specialized services of immigration consultancy and management for the entrance and residence of foreign visitors, in accordance with the specific activities they will develop in Mexican territory.
We have vast experience in the procurement of residence status as visitors, temporary or permanent residents, as well as in the proceedings for the recognition of rights acquired by foreigners with family, labor or business bonds in Mexico.
In accordance with the aforementioned, we offer our services for the procurement of:
- Entrance permits
- Visas
- Work permits
- Temporary and Permanent Residence
- Consultancy and advice to obtain the most adequate immigration status in accordance with the activities in which the person will be engaged while in Mexican territory
- Preparation of job offers
- Acquisition of residence for spouse, children and others with a family bond
- Assistance to national and foreign companies for the immigration of workers and business persons
- Attainment of Mexican nationality
- Assistance in procedures before embassies and consulates.